Human Rights




02 参照先と適用範囲



















株式会社Eco-Pork 人事部
〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-21-7

[注] ※1 「世界人権宣言」「国連ビジネスと人権に関する指導原則」「子どもの権利とビジネス原則」「ILOによる8つの中核的労働基準(※2)」
※2 ILOによる8つの中核的労働基準:「強制労働」、「結社の自由と団結権」、「団結権及び団体交渉権」、「同一価値の労働に対する同一報酬」、「強制労働の廃止」、「雇用及び職業についての差別待遇」、「就業の最低年齢」、「最悪の形態の児童労働」

Eco-Pork co., ltd. Human Rights Policy

01 Commitment to Human Rights

We, the executives and employees of Eco-Pork co., ltd. (hereinafter “We”), contribute to the development of a sustainable society by respecting human rights in all aspects of our corporate activities.

02References and Scope

We strive to avoid involvement in discrimination and human rights violations in all services, products, and business activities in accordance with international human rights principles*1. We also require our suppliers and business partners to adhere to these principles and to respect human rights, refraining from any infringements.

03Respect for Diversity

We respect the diversity of our colleagues and do not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, place of origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, illness, or any other factor. Opportunities shall always be equal, and hiring, placement, evaluation, remuneration, and promotion are based on individual abilities, experience, and performance.

04Prohibition of Forced and Child Labor

We prohibit all forms of forced labor and human trafficking, as well as child labor*2, and are committed to correcting and eradicating labor practices that violate human rights.

05 Respect for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights

We respect employees' rights to form labor unions based on their own wishes and their right to choose whether to participate, and we support the exercise of effective collective bargaining rights. The company will engage in good faith negotiations with labor representatives through constructive dialogue.

06Benefits and Wages

We are committed to complying with applicable laws regarding wages, working hours, overtime, and benefits. Furthermore, we strive to reduce excessive working hours beyond legal compliance and to provide employees with compensation that exceeds living wages and is competitive compared to other labor markets in the region and industry. We aim for fair pay and allow diverse work styles under the principle of equal pay for equal work.

07Employee Safety and Health

We provide a safe and healthy working environment, comply with safety and health regulations, and address health risks appropriately. We also actively use advanced technology to promote employee health.

08Freedom of Expression and Privacy Protection

We recognize the importance of freedom of expression and privacy in communications over telecommunications, the internet, and social media, and we take the utmost care to avoid infringing on these rights. We also serve all customers fairly and equitably while providing reliable and highly convenient services.

09 Initiatives and Systems for Respecting Human Rights

We establish appropriate reporting channels to prevent human rights violations and implement effective countermeasures. To evaluate the impact of our business activities on human rights, we conduct human rights due diligence, continuously monitor impacts, and report to relevant parties. If negative impacts on human rights occur, we will respond with fair and equitable remedial actions to mitigate and resolve these issues.


We promote this policy by actively disseminating it to all executives, employees, and external stakeholders to advance human rights awareness. For inquiries about our human rights policy, please contact the following desk.

Contact Points

Eco-Pork co., ltd.
3-21-7, Kandanishikicho, Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo To, 101-0054, Japan
Phone: 81-80-9945-1129 (Weekdays 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)

[Notes] *1 “International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights),” “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” “Children's Rights and Business Principles,” “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” *2 Child labor is defined as employing individuals under 15 years old in ways that interfere with mandatory education, as well as engaging those under 18 in dangerous or harmful work.

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